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EarlyYears Pupil Premium

School Year 2024-25

If your child is in early years education, your early years provider could be eligible for extra funding to help support your child.


Your child’s early years education provider could get up to £388 per year to help with your child’s education. This will be paid direct to your provider.


Who can apply

You can apply for early years pupil premium if your child is aged 3 or 4 and you get 15 hours free childcare. From April 2024 this will also include 2 year olds.

You must also get at least one of the following:

You may also get early years pupil premium if your child is currently being looked after by a local authority in England or Wales or if your child has left care in England or Wales through:

  • adoption

  • special guardianship order

  • a child arrangements order

How to apply

To apply for early years pupil premium speak to your childcare provider or local council.

Disability access fund

Your child’s early years provider could get £910 or more per year to help with their education and support.

This will be paid direct to your early years provider.

You can apply to get disability access funding if your child is aged 3 or 4 and you’re receiving both:

To apply for disability access funding speak to your childcare provider or local council.

National data and research tells us that children who are eligible for free school meals tend to do less well. For example in 2014, 45% of children eligible for free school meals achieved the expected level at the end of reception, compared with 64% of other children. The Early Years Pupil Premium provides us with extra funding in order to support closing this gap. ​It is well researched that high quality early education can influence how well a child does at both primary and secondary school. Hillview Nursery School wants to make the most of this additional funding.

For the Autumn Term 2023 each eligible child provides Hillview Nursery School with £353 per year. 



Term                                                          Number of children                               Amount


Summer 2024                                                       20                                              £7060,00


Total                                                                                       £7060.00


Term                                                          Number of children                               Amount


Autumn 2024                                                          18                                              £6,984.00


Total                                                                                       £6,984.00


The purpose of the fund is to ‘diminish differences’ often associated with children eligible for early years pupil premium.  This is carried out in a number of ways at Hillview Nursery School. ​Children arrive in Hillview Nursery School often below the expected level of development, and so ongoing assessment is used in order to identify individual children’s needs.  The main barriers to educational achievement that the disadvantaged children in our school face are:


  • Below aged rated expectation in language and communication

  • Below aged rated expectation in social interactions

  • Below aged rated expectation in emotional development


Small intervention groups such as communication, social, and language groups are used in order to improve communication skills and social interactions for our disadvantaged as well as other children needing extra support.  The groups are held twice a week, and are evaluated in order to plan effectively for the following week’s group. Evidence is collated in order to track children’s progress and identify how the gap is narrowing in attainment.


Equality Objective

To improve attendance and outcomes, particularly in the prime areas of learning


Why we have developed this objective:

  • To improve wellbeing, self esteem and social status

  • To provide additional support for communication and language development.


What we are doing to meet this objective:

  • EYPP children are offered free lunches and up to 15hours additional provision.


Measuring children’s outcomes and progress against the following criteria:

1. High wellbeing and involvement levels overtime, monitored and reviewed through pupil progress checks by SLT

2. Improved attendance and in the spring term to achieve 96% attendance. This is to be monitored by admin team by producing half termly reports.


Report 23-24 - click here


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